John Hebenton's Podcast

Being the Dream and Hope of God



Happy mothers day - John wonders what mothers day offers us?It has been a tough last three years – for many it is still tough with inflation.  For churches like ours and many others covid has really hit many parishes – we are much more vulnerable than we were. This was a theme of parish planning day on Saturday.Easter is a time to reflect on reflect on and celebrate resurrection and to wonder what resurrection means for us as we regather and rebuild after the last three years.  John again uses a quote from Angela N. Parker -  “The Way of Jesus is the embodiment of the dream and hope of God….We must be people of the way, being the dream and hope of God, as we participate in abundant life while here on earth together” ( we face an uncertain future we are told in John 14:15-21 that the gift of the Spirit is that love of God resides in each one of us, that might live the dream and hope of Go