I'll Drink To That! Talking Wine With Levi Dalton

IDTT Wine 491: Ukraine, Wine and Terror



Levi Dalton speaks with three Ukrainians about the struggles faced by winemakers and winery owners amongst the warfare in Ukraine.Alla Plachkova discusses fleeing Kyiv as bombs begin to fall on the city in 2022. She talks about rescuing her mother and fleeing south inside Ukraine as warfare stretches across the country. She shares the fears she felt as a mother trying to protect her child, and the terror she felt as bombs fell and planes roared over her home. Alla talks about her family's decision to open their home to refugees fleeing the war.Alla talks about the roots of her husband's family, and his founding of a winery near Odessa. She talks about the success her husband found with Odessa Black, a grape variety specifically associated with Ukraine. She also touches on the success the winery has had in bringing tourists to the region it was founded in. She finishes with a strong statement of ideals about the freedom of the Ukrainian people.Sergiy Klimov covers the recent development of Ukrainian wines sinc