Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

211: The Power of Stillness & Space Holding - #1 of 3 in What is the Feminine? Series



I named the podcast Feminine Power Time for a reason. Even though the word 'feminine' throws or turns off many people (which is part of the reason I knew I needed to keep the name!) Even those of us that get to a point in which we get we need the feminine, want it and cherish the feminine can have a hard time understanding what it is, practically.   What do you do with the feminine?  How can it help me in my career? My relationships? Choices?  Is it really even relevant to business? and big issues like global warming and the education and safety of our children?  The short answer. Yes. We are just very ignorant (and imprinted) to not value or understand it.  One of my supers powers is taking big concepts and esoteric wisdom and breaking them down. Putting language, visuals, practices, models to it, so we can access this really potent wisdom and energy in our lives, and for all that we care about in the world.  The "feminine" first found me in 2006, after my first super woman sob in which all I was trying to d