Well Read Dames

The Ballad of Never After Book Club Discussion



Join the Well Read Dames as we continue our favorite series so far of 2023! This episode we are discussing book 2, The Ballad of Never After by the brilliant Stephanie Garber. To recap, Stephanie Garber first brought us the Caraval series, which we read and published our book club episodes of at the end of 2022. This new series takes Jacks, a character from Caraval, and gives him his own series, as a continuation of his story in these books. Our main character, whose POV we get for both books is, Evangeline, who has been teamed up with/stuck with Jacks, aka the Prince of Hearts, since she made a deal with him in Once Upon a Broken Heart to try and save those that she loved. We pick up where we left off in this book and Evangeline struggles to simultaneously not trust Jacks, and to trust him, as her feelings for him grow ever more complicated, as does her life. Evangeline finds herself caught between curses, magical gemstones, and handsome vampires in this book. And there is also the whole ancient prophecy