Sprott Money News

Ask the Expert with Peter Boockvar- May 2023



On this month's episode of "Ask the Expert" hosted by Craig Hemke, we have special guest Peter Boockvar! Peter is the chief investment officer of the Bleakley Financial Group, and author of "The Boock Report". He's also been featured in many financial magazines and financial television, such as CNBC, Investing News Network, Markets Insider and more. Craig Hemke asks many questions that most of you have been wondering, such as: -Is a hike of the debt ceiling inevitable? -What are your thoughts on the FED’s rush to catch up with all the rate hikes, at a pace they’ve never done before, now causing many unintended consequences? Is the banking crisis over or can we expect more regional bank stress? -What is the direction of the Fed in response to the inevitable credit tightening and economic slowdown? Will there be rate cuts despite the Fed's denial? -As we get deeper into the year, and get closer to an election year in the U.S., will political pressure play into how the Fed acts? -What are your thoughts on gold