Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

212: The Income Replacement Formula With Christine McAlister



How appropriate on "Work Day"/Labor Day around the world, my friend Christine McAlister's book is published all about how to get OUT of your JOB!!! Do you dread getting up every day to just go through the motions again? Do you get a knot in your stomach every time you approach your office or work building? Do you hate it when your boss breathes down your neck? Yeah, I did too. I remember when I would listen to meditation tracks in a yellow cab (remember those?) crosstown on my way to my job at Club Monaco in NYC. I dreaded dealing with my boss who was not fun to work for... I know now that my light was BRIGHT and probably scared her. But I needed my daily meditation practice to be able to show up and get the job done with my amazing co-workers who were full of joy. During my time there is when I started making my real plans to start The Fashion Truck and get out of corporate. I would sketch during meetings and dream of what it felt like to not have a boss. 7 years later, I live a life that most people d