Not Alone

Seventeen: Mt. Nyangani - Mystical Vanishings and Adorable Otters



Join us tonight as we talk about the first in what we hope to be a long line of episodes on cursed mountains during the run of the podcast. Our premiere cursed mountain has claimed at least 4 people since 1980, but sometimes the ones that go missing aren't nearly as strange as those that come back, and the tales they tale of that time they were unaccounted for. We'll explore the possibility of a dimensional rift, as well as let Jason talk about the African Clawless Otter for maybe just a minute too long. We hope you'll enjoy it!  Sources News of the South Mysterious Universe New Zimbabwe: Article on the Osborne and Gokwe Mermaids Thomas Gaisford's Account African Beliefs on the Afterlife Head over to our website,, and sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the show and especially on our new T-Shirts! If you enjoy the show, consider donating to our Patreon for access to bonus content and to be able to support the show! Not Alone's Patreon Follow the Pod! Facebook T