Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 315: Are You an Energetic Gas Guzzler?



I had this out the other day when somebody was telling me about how people were pulling on their energy. I got to thinking are you a fuel guzzler meaning do you guzzle fuel from other people? Some people call that negative psychic energy. Some people call that being a negative Nat or negative Nelly, but maybe you guys are other people's fuel in order to get yourself moving ahead or maybe you're a fuel guzzler in a different way. So the different way is you consume a lot of information and you spit it out in order to be of benefit to your tribe, your community, Etc. So to be a fuel guzzler in taking information and transforming it into something which is from Trash to Treasure is the best way to be a fuel guzzler and the interesting thing about you is you can either let it deplete you or inspire you. If it depletes you then you need to go back and listen to some of the other, or watch some of the other videos such as cord-cutting and squashing the books and stuff like that so what can occur is you can get into