Happy Hour With Dennis And Erik

Ep. 183 – It's Not That Lemony!



Buy a round! Become a Patron! Links Shoegaze (Wikipedia) Johnny Burgin Johnny Burgin, interviewing Prakash Slim, Nepalese guitarist, on his podcast (YouTube) The Fabelmans (Wikipedia) Succession (HBO) Barry (HBO) Connor’s Concession Speech My fellow Americans, it’s becoming clear tonight, that as far as we can tell, Mr. Jeryd Mencken will likely be the next president of the United States and I, for one, wish him well. For although I set out a clear and compelling path, America, in her divine wisdom, has chosen to take another. Well, good luck. And, I’d like to say to my first running mate, who I will not dignify with a name check, but had that woman not dropped out, and then had I not had to replace her with another figure, who turned out not to be able to bear the weight of public scrutiny, had I not been betrayed by those two jackrabbits, who knows? Politics of envy. Ugly game. I happen to be a billionaire. Sorry. But honestly, America, you flunked it. I guess you’re gonna have to find some other poor mo