Inside Property With Richard Blanco

Current Affairs Edition September 2017



The Bank of England's Prudential Regulation Authority has introduced important changes to borrowing for landlords with four or more properties. Richard Blanco discusses the implications with Head of Policy at The National Landlords Association, Chris Norris and James Andrews, Editor of Mirror Money Online. As London Borough of Newham awaits a decision from the Secretary of State on the renewal of its borough wide selective licensing scheme, we debate the scheme's merits and the potential impact of the decision. We look more broadly at how local authorities are trying to procure properties from the private rented sector and ask whether Gas Safety Week is making enough headway in promoting safety. Inside Property is produced in collaboration with the National Landlords Association. Correction: local authorities must seek Secretary of State permission for selective licensing schemes of more than 20% of the borough's privately rented properties not 25%.