Inside Property With Richard Blanco

The Work Of Landlord Associations



Richard Blanco asks Douglas Haig, Vice Chair of the Residential Landlords Association and Richard Lambert, Chief Executive Officer of the National Landlords Association about the work of landlord associations, whether they can be legitimately seen as the voice of landlords, how their offer supports the landlord community and why campaigns to prevent and now roll back recent tax changes have been thwarted. Vanessa Warwick, landlord and founder of joins the debate and outlines the role she sees for digital platforms. What role might these organisations play as the government tries to professionalise and regulate the sector? Should landlord associations merge to give them more clout and is it fair to criticise web portals as a forum for ranting? Inside Property is produced in collaboration with the [National Landlords Association]( Special thanks to the [Residential Landlords Association]( and [](https://www.propertytrib