Inside Property With Richard Blanco

Current Affairs Edition May 2018



Are you ready for GDPR? Under this directive, tenants will have the right to sue landlords for misuse of data from 25 May 2018\. The NLA's Chris Norris and Marlon Fox from Outlook Property talk to Richard Blanco about what landlords and agents need to do to comply. We discuss Ellie Flynn's BBC Three documentary Rent For Sex (watch [here]( which exposes so called landlords offering free rooms for sexual favours. A parliamentary select committee has proposed that landlords' properties could be confiscated should they commit certain housing offences. And Tory party conference promises to fully regulate letting agents have now precipitated proposals for a legally enforceable code of practice, compulsory membership of a trade body and a new regulator. Could this sound the death knell for ropey agents? Inside Property is produced in collaboration with the [National Landlords Association]([](www.lan