Real Crime Profile

#442: Interview with Menendez Juror Hazel Thornton | Menendez + Menudo - Part 4



Joining us today we are honored to have Hazel Thornton who served as a juror on Erik Menendez’ first trial in 1993. We have so many questions for her about what it was like to see all of the testimony and what conclusions she came to. To clarify both brothers, Erik and Lyle were tried, at the same time, for murdering their parents Kitty and Jose Menendez.  But each brother had their own separate jury, who all sat in the courtroom together (sometimes one jury would sit in the jury box while the other would sit in the gallery — and then they would switch). Sometimes one jury would be excused when the evidence did not pertain to their defendant. Each jury deliberated separately…and each jury resulted in a deadlock. Hazel takes us through her experience sitting for six months through the trial and the month long deliberation. You can read her book “Hung Jury” , an incredible chronicle of that time. You can get Hazel's book "Hung Jury" here: #docuseries #Menendez #Menu