Christ Church Jerusalem

Colossians: Walk Worthy Of The Lord | Chapter 1:1-14



The Epistles are generally written to address an issue in a Church. The Epistle of Colossians never directly addresses what Paul is may be trying to correct, but as we study Colossians we might be able to deduce something of the problem he is addressing. Meanwhile, Paul is grateful that the gospel going around the world has resulted in bearing fruit. Faith has brought results that are visible and tangible, for in the Hebraic context faith is something you can see, not something locked inside your head. In keeping with this metaphor of ‘bearing fruit’ Paul urges his readers to be filled with the knowledge of the will of God as well as to possess wisdom and spiritual understanding. Gaining these attributes: knowledge, wisdom and understanding, which appear to be on the surface as aspects of the academic realm, actually prompt the believer to a ‘walk worthy of the Lord’ producing good work. Knowledge (etc) leads to changed lives.