Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 267: Case Studies - Performance Successes and Cautionary Tales



In this week’s episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, we focus on athletes like you. Ironman Master coach Matt Dixon puts a spotlight on four case studies anchored in performance. Matt breaks down the lessons we can learn from those who have excelled in their performance journey as well as those who were less fortunate and serve as cautionary tales about the pitfalls on the way to improved performance. All of the case studies are real athletes that either Purple Patch or Matt has trained. We look at the training process through the lens of a former rugby player reigniting his fire for fitness by finishing marathons and committing to his performance journey. This is a great story of integration of sport into your life, not just to develop a pride and satisfaction from the outcome, but about becoming a better version of yourself. And having the rewards be the journey itself throughout the daily routine. - Matt Dixon We also delve into the athletic mindset by following the mini-victories of an athlete emerging f