The Kyle Thiermann Show

#324 Zen Meditator & Navy SEAL - Mark Divine



Mark Divine (@realmarkdivine) is a tough one to pin down. And I like that. As a Navy SEAL Commander and Zen meditation practitioner, Divine weaves between worlds of Eastern spirituality and Western militance. This was the second time I had Divine on the show, the first was in Ep. #271, and I find the guy endlessly fascinating. A little background: After a successful 20-year career as a Navy SEAL, Mark was hired to create a nationwide coaching and leadership program for the U.S. Navy’s primary operations force. The program aims to give the SEALs the best leadership and mental management tools in the world and to help them forge unbeatable teams that achieve mission success in the most stressful, challenging environments on earth. He has written numerous books, including Unbeatable Mind and The Way of The SEAL.Enjoy,KyleP.S. If you dig this podcast, will you please leave a short review on Apple Podcasts? It takes less than 60 seconds and makes a difference when I drop to my knees and beg hard-to-get guests to c