Iron Culture

Ep. 222 - Partials for Hypertrophy: A Formerly Fringe Idea



In this episode, we discuss two topics, when and how to address fringe topics in the fitness space and the growing data in support of long muscle length partials for hypertrophy. In the former discussion, we discuss how science communicators are often in a difficult position when addressing such fringe ideas. When these beliefs are believed by small segments of the population - especially if they are potentially harmful - simply addressing them can potentially give them more legitimacy if not done right. Then we dive into “lengthened partials”, which only a couple of years ago would have been lumped in with the more common short muscle length partials you roll your eyes at in the gym all the time (think half squats). While formerly a fringe idea, the data continues to elucidate that this approach may have merit for hypertrophy. 00:00 Reviewing reviews: addressing the carnivore diet. Iron Culture Ep. 164- A Scientific Examination of the Carnivore Diet 40:15 Stretch-m