Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

How To Be An Awesome Podcast Host Featuring Karen Yates, Wild & Sublime



Psst. Want to know the secret to becoming a better podcast host? It’s not your equipment. Relationships are everything. Research indicates that while folks may listen to podcasts for entertainment and information, they remain loyal to a specific show because of its host. Karen Yates is definitely that host. She’s a producer, host, and the mastermind behind Wild & Sublime, the super-successful, highly binge-able podcast about sex for everyone, no matter their preferences, orientation, or relationship style. Here are a few of my fave hosting tips: Get into the rhythm.  Act natural, strategically.  Craft different but authentic voice personas.  Skip the pre-show cheese stick. Seriously.  But wait, there’s more, including Karen’s number one tip for better hosting, but you’ll have to check out the episode to get it!  Get the FULL masterclass replay with Karen & me! https://www.thecreativeimposter.com/beanawesomehost You know that hosting a podcast is so much more than just plugging in a mic and tap