Boat Radio

The Life Aquatic - Bruce & Tiffany Halabisky on their epic round-the-world voyage



For more than a decade, Bruce and Tiffany Halabisky have been travelling the world. Aboard their 1952, John Atkin-designed sailboat, Vixen, they’ve crossed the Atlantic three times, circumnavigated the globe, visited more than thirty countries, invited people of countless nationalities on board and, quite remarkably, welcomed two children into their lives. Daughters Soli-Anna and Seffa-Jane were born in New Zealand and Brazil respectively. Their amazing life is even the subject of a short documentary film, 'Vixen’s Voyage', which you can find at the Boat Radio website - go to and click 'video' on the main menu. Now, however, the Halabiskys are back on dry land, living on Orcas Island in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, just a few miles shy of the Canadian border. Their plan was to let the girls get to know grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins... But it seems the earth beneath their feet doesn’t quite agree with them. After just a few months, they’re already planning anot