Dean Graziosi's Millionaire Success Habits

There’s No Competition | The Power of You Can’t



Grab my book The Underdog Advantage for FREE (just cover s&h) and find out why being underestimated is the greatest advantage you can have.  We all have stories from the past that hold us back and that negativity is cumulative, it builds up over time. Your unsupportive teacher, a parent, negative friends, the news…  It used to impact me too until one day I just decided to use the power of can’t and turn it into I MUST! And that’s what Alex Hormozi and I talked about this earlier this week so if you missed that episode you MUST go listen to it! We both know what it’s like to have people underestimate you, not believe in you, doubt you… And we both know what it’s like to go for it anyway, push past insecurities, and turn negativity into fuel for success.  In this quick episode today I want you to walk away knowing: