Evidence Based Birth®

EBB 68 - Meet Mr. EBB!



In this episode, I am joined by "Mr. EBB" himself, Dan Dekker! Dan is an Accountant with his MBA, the father of 3 children, and also my husband. He has worked for more than 10 years in small business accounting, and five years ago left a successful corporate position to become a full-time stay-at-home dad and to serve as the Chief Financial Officer of Evidence Based Birth. Dan and I dive into the backstory of EBB - including how starting this business has impacted our family. Our Evidence Based Birth Instructors supplied Dan with thoughtful and fun questions for this interview, including what's it like being my birthing partner! We move from the fun and lighthearted to tackling the top mistake we see made by small business owners - especially birth business owners. By the end of this interview you'll learn what Dan is most excited about with the future of EBB - including how we are planning to release more products for parents! And if you've been struggling to keep your birth business afloat, Dan has some wor