

“There are three constants in life – change, choice and principles.”~ Stephen CoveyThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers. Chances are good that you've read or at least know of the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.Most people think it's a book about habits. It is not.It's a brilliant book about effectiveness.Here's the key: Effectiveness by operating within the context of “universal, governing PRINCIPLES.”Now, you're saying what the heck does that mean?Principles govern one's results over the long term.----Principles can be likened to the law of gravity: Throw a rock out of a window and you know it will fall toward the earth – every time!Principles are environmental factors that control, influence, and dictate one's results.Covey shares his, "Law of the Farm" example to convey a principle in action.It's impossible to plant a seed today and reap the harvest tomorrow.Impossible.The principles at play demand that time and nurture are required to reap a harvest.Thus, principles gover