Love What You Play

17: How to Disguise Drills | Darren Wensor



Get Access To All Summit Speakers “I think we’re too often rushing kids past the fundamentals and that leaves them with a faulty foundation.” Darren Wensor resides in Sydney, Australia. Growing up, he participated in Little Athletics, a modified track and field program for kids age 5-15. Darren earned his degree in physical athletics and English, and today he works with Little Athletics! As an educator of 28 years, Darren travels all over Australia to teach coach and athlete development. He says, “I love making people better at helping other people”. Darren posts regularly on his blog and social media with demonstrations of drills for improving athleticism, especially for track and field events. He is all about making sports fun for kids, and “disguising drills”. Some of the key concepts you will learn from Darren during his talk are the Youth Physical Development Model, the FTEM Model (Foundation, Talent, Elite, Mastery), how to make drills fun, and other great tips!  Connect with Darren Link