Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 314: Sweeping Out the Traps in Your Mind



Hey everyone Sheevaun around here Driving For Your Success and there's a ton of talk around mindset but do you ever sweep your mind. I know there's a video game called Mind sweep or something like that but the thing that's important for you is to clean up those mind traps not a mindset it's a Mind Trap so to sweep your mind. You have to do something that takes you out of your comfort zone that is kind of like a mantra, not an affirmation. Affirmations create a whole other problem. We talked about that in some of the previous videos so mind sweep is where you do something and maybe you're in a negative space you're worried anxious afraid whatever that is and a mind sweep is doing something like it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay.   It's okay it's okay because one you're releasing tension out of your brain and two you're breathing and it is resetting your mind space so that's one way uh you can do happy happy and I've done that before but the it's okay it's