Not For Podcast

Is Disability NDIS Ready?



Ready or not, the National Disability Insurance Scheme was rolled out nationwide on 1 July. The $22 billion per year scheme – which doubles the level of public funding for disability – is Australia’s biggest social policy project since Medicare. It promises to put people with disability in the driver’s seat by offering more choice and control, and it’s been widely welcomed by the sector. But transitioning to a new system is not without teething problems, both for service providers and people with disability. Can Not for Profits stand out in a competitive market? Do people with disability know their rights? How do they navigate the system? And can the national agency overseeing the system cope with the mammoth task? In the first episode of a three-part series, Not for Podcast investigates whether the sector is NDIS ready. Download the transcript here. Featured in this episode: Natasha Hudson, CEO and founder of Coforte Consulting, assisting organisations to become NDIS ready Liz Forsyth, general manager of cu