Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 139: Your HARD Position is HIS Preparation for a HIGHER Position



If you have been in a hard season for a long time, you are probably asking God, “WHY am I still doing this?!” It could be a financial crisis, a health crisis, in the middle of a divorce, or some other hard situation that has been going on for what seems like forever. I’m here to tell you today, what if this isn’t just a trial, but that God is positioning you FOR a position? God has you in this hard season for a greater purpose, to protect other from something, just as Rahab the harlot protected the two spies and saved Israel as a result.   Monologue: Jude joins Autumn and shares what God has done in his life recently. Message: After the break, Autumn focuses on Rahab’s position and her heart, not her occupation, and how they were exactly what God was looking for for the good of Israel. Question: “I feel like my church has too many “cliques.” How do I integrate myself in?”  Praise Report: A listener spent 7 years trying to become an American citizen, and despite the doubt from others, they were granted many b