Public Speaking With David Murray

How to add humour to your talks and presentations without being a comedian – 110



Adding humour into your talks and presentations is a great way to bring attention to the point you are making. And helps your listeners to better remember it. And if you're feeling anxious, adding a little humour into your talks and presentations, will help you to relax. As you will feel more connected to your audience when they respond to your humour. Not everyone is comfortable with using humour in their talks, but like any skill practice makes perfect. And if you gently introduce humour into your talks and presentations, you will quickly gain more confidence in doing it. That’s why in today's episode I share with you how to add humour to your talks and presentations without being a comedian. *  The first technique is - ‘How to get a laugh without telling a joke’. *  The second technique is - ‘Where to find humorous things to talk about’. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: