Leaving Laodicea

558 - The Most Important Prophetic Scriptures



Scripture Divides Everything into Two CategoriesWhen we look at Scripture, God has a tendency to make things simple for us and categorize everything into only two groups. There is almost never a third option.  For example, you have light or darkness, evil or good, heaven or hell, the wide road or the narrow path, sin or righteousness, good fruit (tree) or bad fruit (tree), alive or dead, Spirit or flesh, blessings or curses, saved or lost, I think you get the point.  And Scripture treats prophecy the same way: the Future of Israel (God’s people) or the Future of the Gentile Nations (everyone else).So when we look at prophetic Scriptures, we must understand which of the two groups the passages speak about.  For example, in Daniel 2, we see the vision of the great statue Nebuchadnezzar had that Daniel interpreted. This is a picture of the future of the Gentile nations.  And later, in Daniel 7, we see four beasts and a little horn. Again, this is about the Gentile nations.But two c