Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

#301 Solocast - Plant Medicines At Large



The show notes speak for themselves yall. This one is a Double Whopper of sources and references that have helped me deeply in my alchemy and integration of not just my recent trip to visit Ayahuasca, but also the multiple deep dives into other medicines in recent years.  Some of the things/people mentioned in the first half may put some pebbles in some people’s shoes. These modalities are deeply ingrained parts of my life and healing that has taken place, as well as my exploration of the Universe as I understand it. I hope I was able to clean up any discomfort from the first half with my recounting of my experiences in the rest of the episode. At the end of the day, I just want to provide knowledge, spark interest, and help yall navigate your realities with as much grace as possible. Please enjoy and tell a friend. ORGANIFI GIVEAWAY Keep those reviews coming in! Please drop a dope review and include your IG/Twitter handle and we’ll get together for some Organifi even faster moving forward.   Show Notes: KKP