Flower Power Garden Hour

Flower Power Garden Hour 176: May To Do & Listener Q&A



It is the May To Do List, and the here in Zone 9 the winter weather seems to have finally broken.  Warm days have been persistent, but there is still some cool and wet weather.  Lots to do in the garden as we catch up from a long winter and prepare for spring/summer.   It is time to plant: ·       Vegetables:  Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans, swiss chard, corn, cucumbers, okra, melons, squash, watermelon   Chores include:        Mulch        Plant everything        Check irrigation/flush lines        Thin stonefruit        Peach leaf curl        Fertilize pots        Transplant succulents        Monitor for pests/prep   We finish up with a Listener Q&A section.  Topics covered include:        Hummingbird moths – what plants attract them?        Camelia tree bush – blooms pink every spring, but quickly drops them.  Suggestions?        Bird of Paradise – how to separate and transplant into smaller pots        Wine barrels – got saturated because there were no holes and water