Moody Presents

2023-05-06: The Battle Inside the Wall part 1



We are continuing the current series in the book of Nehemiah…and it’s all about rebuilding our lives, families, churches, our cities… Nehemiah had a burden and a vision about rebuilding his city, but first, had to rebuild the church there so that God could then change the whole city. Today we’re going to tie all of this into things that you and I struggle with on a daily basis.  Pastor Mark likes to call it, “dealing with internal struggles.” Yuh see, every building effort has to start from within. And one of our main internal struggles is dealing with our finances just as Nehemiah did as he worked to rebuild. We talk about money in this message… and seeing as 20% of what Jesus taught on was money, it’s worth going over! Especially as it relates to how Nehemiah dealt with it. With part 1 of The Battle Inside the Wall, here’s Mark Jobe in Nehemiah chapter 5… with today’s MOODY PRESENTS.See for privacy information