Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 265: The Power of Team in Boosting Individual Performance



The path to improvement is one that includes hard work and commitment, but too often we travel that path alone. We seek our personal goals in a very personal way. It can often be a solitary endeavor. Not only does it not have to be, but it also shouldn’t be. "You cannot expect to optimize your performance or results if you always take the journey alone." In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon highlights the benefits and impact of chasing your individual improvements by engaging in team and group training. The thread that unites athletes of all levels and abilities is a desire to improve. Tapping into that shared motivation fosters a supportive, fun, and competitive environment that provides accountability and inspires a diverse performance culture. Using stories of Purple Patch Squads enduring 5 am coldwater plunges and scaling virtual mountains together through video-coached bike classes, Matt illustrates how individual gains emerge from the practices and habits that d