Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

5 Steps to Making Your Writing Goals a Reality - WN 002



Help support this podcast! >> Woo! I've officially made it to the second episode of "Write Now", the podcast that helps aspiring writers to find the time, energy, and courage you need to pursue your passion and write every day. I've also been told by several listeners that my voice is "soothing" and "mellow", which I'm counting as a win. 5 Steps for making your writing goals a reality. You probably already know that goals are extremely important to writers of all kinds. But how do we set goals -- and stick to them? This episode explores five steps for setting realistic goals and following through on them: 1. Begin to set your goal by defining something tangible you want to accomplish. 2. Establish your own realistic expectations. 3. Translate those realistic expectations into realistic goals. 4. Stick to those goals. 5. Move beyond your goals by internalizing them. I also take a look at some of the goals and habits of famous American writers, including Ernest Hemingway, Flannery O'Connor, and others. You can