Write Now With Sarah Werner | For Writers, On Writing

7 Ways to Write Yourself Out of a Corner - WN 013



Help support this podcast! >> Oooh. Lucky episode 013. Or unlucky, if you suffer from triskaidekaphobia. And I hope you don't, because I think you'll enjoy this episode. Help! I've written myself into a corner! We've all been there. That point where you realize a scene's just not working. Or where you realize that your character's motivations don't match the action you need him or her to take. Or where you realize your outline sucks, or that you've been writing an extended idea and not a story. You've written yourself into a corner and you have no idea how to fix it. Well, I don't want you to be in the corner. The corner sucks. Here are seven ways to get out of that corner. Go back and your novel and search for the last place you didn't feel lost. This will help you find the "wrong turn" you took, or the mistake you made -- wherever things went wrong. Delete everything after that point (or, less drastically, copy-paste that chunk of text into a new file called "Leftovers"). Stephen King calls this "killing y