Underground Usa

A Debt Ceiling Deal? And We’re Happy About That Why?



Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce I wanted to expound a bit on the dangers of consolidated power, especially in government.Our Founders and Framers actually put together a country that ended up being 50 separate states with 50 separate constitutions. The federal government they created, through the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, was to establish a loose association of the 50 states with the 50 separate constitutions so that we could be seen as a country. It never established an all-powerful, all-demanding, totalitarian centralized government like today.They wanted the federal government to fill in the cracks and to allow the 50 states (back then 13 colonies turned into States) to be able to band together to protect themselves in concert and to deal with trade between the states. That's really all it was ever supposed to be.But with the advent of the Woodrow Wilson administration and the centralization of power in the federal government – and t