Journey Of Hope With Rodney Mathers (

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (227)



Hello ! Welcome to the podcast. My guest this week is Frank Dimaio. Frank's latest book, A Promise Made, a Promise Kept, caught my attention. The book is a study on how to deal with grief. What does grief have to do with serving time in prison? Short answer - a lot! There are an incredible amount of "professionals" in the state prison systems. Now, it is not the majority or even close to it, but there are a surprising number of people with white collar backgrounds. Men and women that hold degrees and had a career in their chosen field of study are often overlooked in my view. Still, what does learning about grief have to do with this? Men and women who have come from white collar backgrounds and have spent substantial periods of time in prison no longer have the life they had prior to prison. These men and women are released into a world where those previous lives no longer exist.  My guest this week lost his wife to breast cancer and has dealt with the grief that stems from such a tragedy. We spoke about gri