Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Four Perspectives: Chronic Pain and Inflammation Part 1



Chronic pain affects more that 3.6 million Australians and is a leading cause of disability Up to 68% of people who suffer from chronic pain are of working age, with 40% of those retiring early due to this pain. It is ubiquitous in our current health landscape and is a difficult task to manage without the tools and knowledge in understanding both the mechanisms of action and the symptoms surrounding chronic pain and inflammation, alongside managing your patient’s preconceptions, expectations and results on their pain journey. Professor Lesley Braun is joined by our four Ambassadors: to gain their four modality-specific perspectives on chronic pain and inflammation. In part one Dr. Adrian Lopresti describes the bi-directional relationship between chronic pain and mental health. Emma Sutherland helps us understand the fragility of these patient’s and how to skilfully work with them. Lisa Costa-Bir’s naturopathic perspective brings us back to square one – Tolle causam – where she focuses on understanding the r