Adventures In Branding

Finding You



You know what’s really hard to hear? “I hate myself.” SMASH. That’s not ok. No one should ever feel that way. When we were thinking of what this podcast should be about, I was perplexed. I had so many topics and wanted to find a way to generate more business for Sisarina. We thought about how we could teach people brand and strategy. We came up with ways to share marketing tips. We even thought it might be interesting to make it workshop-y. None of it fit. Until one day I had enough of people moping around talking about how much they hated their lives. Hated their bodies. Hated their jobs. Hated themselves. CRASH. As soon as people start talking about the things they hate about themselves, I fly into overdrive and want to do anything in my power to help put their ship back together and out to sea. Want to know why? I’m here to be a lighthouse. I don’t want anyone to smash on the shore. I want everyone on the ocean sailing exactly the way they’re supposed to be sailing. In whatever sized ship they’re meant to