Adventures In Branding

Finding Strength - To Get Up & Do The Thing



Tell the demons to fly off. "Today, I realized that I need my own Melanie.” - last week's status update on my Facebook page. I had a sudden realization that I was empty. I had run out of inspiration and needed someone to inspire me. I needed someone to hug me, tell me that I’m amazing, and tell me to pick myself up off the floor and do the thing. (My mom lives too far away to do it, but she definitely tried.) I needed someone to tell me that the little voices flitting around inside my head weren’t telling the truth. “You’re going to fail. You’re not good enough. No one likes you. You are dumb. No one cares what you think. Don’t bother." But those little demons are BLEEP-holes. Loud ones. You’ve heard them before. We all have. The demons start telling us the things we don’t need to be hearing and we LISTEN to them. Then it becomes a loop. An endless loop that won’t leave our heads. WHY!? Why do we listen? Oh yeah, because we’re human. And this negative self-talk, these thoughts, these mini "Debbie Downers," th