Adventures In Branding

Finding Uncomfortable



What if the only thing that you are missing is accountability? Risk-takers need a kick in the pants, too. Find comfort in being uncomfortable. It’s where growth happens. “This is the way that we’ve always done it” and “just in case” are some of the most dangerous phrases in the English language. If you’re feeling paralyzed to act, you’re in good company. It doesn’t feel great to be uncomfortable – but that’s not a club you want to belong to. Instead, seek out the people who make space for real, raw, honest feedback and brace yourself, ‘cause the changes are a comin.’ It’s for your own good. “Should-ing” on yourself is Bullsh*t, or BeigeSh*t, as we like to call it. If you aren’t doing things deliberately “on purpose” because you’re doing what other people think you should do, then you are most likely “stuck”. You’re trapped in a static, deceptively comfortable state of UNcomfort. Rocking the boat is a scary thought – but so is choosing to remain in pain. Change the story. Instead of being comfortable with the