Adventures In Branding

Finding Confidence



It's time to trust yourself. Quite a few people have told me recently that when they first meet me they're a little intimidated by me. But after chatting, I find out that it's because they want to show up as confident as I do. They say they can tell I don't care what others think of me.  Little secret: I do care what people think about me. Because I care about people. But showing up with confidence is not meant to be intimidating. A conference attendee recently confided that when I got on stage in my little black dress & heels (yes, I dress up sometimes) to deliver a speech she immediately hated me because of how "perfect" I seemed. And by the end of the talk, she wanted to be my friend. Because of how I was real and unafraid to be imperfect in front of an audience of really smart people. When I pressed her more about herself, I heard all of her insecurities, her hurts, and how much her past was affecting her future. But her past could be used as a motivator to get where she wants to go instead of a detra