Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Meet Pietro Marsala, the first US commercial airline pilot with type 1 diabetes



Long thought an impossible, development people with type 1 diabetes are now working as commercial airline pilots. The very first to be certified in the US , Pietro Marsala says he decided to forge ahead while working as a flight instructor, taking inexperienced student pilots up while he was in control. Pietro will share what happened next, how a mountain of data gradually won of skeptics, his in flight diabetes routine and what he’s up to now. You might be a passenger on his next flight! This podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you have those kinds of questions, please contact your health care provider. Follow Pietro on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flytype1/?hl=en FAA requirements for pilots who dose insulin: https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide/dec_cons/disease_prot/itdm More about Pietro Marsala: https://www.healthline.com/diabetesmine/first-commercial-pilot-type-1-diabetes   Please visit our Sponsors & Partners - they help make the show possible! Take Control with Afrezza  Omnipod - Simpl