Building Utah

Speaking on Business: Lion Energy



This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Lion Energy is a leading manufacturer of safe, silent, and eco-friendly power solutions for everyday needs. They do this by delivering high-quality energy storage products for its customers. Lion Energy CFO Tyler Hortin joins us with more. TYLER HORTIN: At Lion Energy, we change the world by helping individuals, families, and organizations become energy independent. We do this by providing smart lithium energy storage systems – ranging from small hand-held power banks, solar generators and RV batteries to whole home and large custom solutions. These smart technology solutions put safe, silent, clean energy or power at your fingertips, where you want it, when you want it. They are good for people and for our planet. Lion Energy started right here in Utah, and we continue to be part of the community. Everything we do is based in American Fork: from Product Design, Engineering, and Testing to Customer Support, Data Storage and Fulfillment. Our entrepreneur