Paracast Firearm Q&a

Crazy Pills Ep 361



We discuss Jared's cop match, Tom's every growing feeling of being right too early and the removal of USPSA president Yee-Min Lin and what you can do about it.   We have a form letter you can send to ---- Dear Members of the Board, I am writing to express my concern about the removal of President Yee-Min Lin's R.O. certification by NROI. It troubles me that an elected official who won a clear majority of the vote could be removed from office due to a certification issue under the sole discretion of DNROI. Mr. Lin has worked hundreds of matches, a trait that a volunteer organization should value. There appear to be contradicting issues that make this seem like an issue of politics rather than good ethical judgment.   I have the following questions for you: 1. What was the reason for the removal of his certification? 2. Will you impartially hear his appeal before May 1st? 3. How many RO certifications have been removed in the past five years? 4. Why does Mel Rodero still