Your Mileage May Vary

Vasectomology, Semen Elimination, Animal Sex, The Knot, Intimidating Clits



Well, it's about time we talk about a person with a truly off-the-map sexual experience. In this case, it's a woman who spent many years in amorous relations with her canine buddy. I can't say I've ever felt the desire to be in such a situation, but starting as it did in her younger years, I can understand some level of confusion. And her poor partner who now has to process this information. We discuss in reasonable detail the ins and outs of vasectomies and relationships. It seems like for younger women learning that a partner has had one might be discourage continuing with the relationship. But maybe a sperm bank could operate as a reservoir of good will? And, do men think of clits in a way inverse to how they think about penises? Is better worse? We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: Twitter: @ymmv