Milk The Cow Podcast

Examining Russell Brand's Praise of Tucker Carlson and the Harmful Ideologies of the Cosmic Right Wing | Cow Daily



In this episode, Mike Cow analyses Russell Brand's comment about Tucker Carlson being a beautiful person, despite Carlson's record of promoting anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim views, minimizing the threat of white supremacy, and spreading misinformation. Cow delves into the harmful impact of the cosmic right wing's ideologies, including their promotion of hate speech and white supremacy, and how they are spreading across society. The video highlights the need to hold media personalities like Carlson accountable for their actions and the impact of their words, and emphasizes the importance of responsible journalism, accurate reporting, and fact-checking in the face of misinformation and sensationalism. Don't miss this important conversation that examines the intersection of immigration, politics, and the cosmic right wing, and highlights the need for education and awareness to combat harmful and dangerous ideologies. If you would like to support our work by becoming a Patron via:    Mak