Angel Invest Boston

Stephanie Culler PhD - Cancer & the Gut Biome - Co-founder of VC-Backed Persephone Microbiome



The loss of two grandmothers to cancer propelled the daughter of an entrepreneurial family, Stephanie Culler, to a Ph.D. at Caltech and eventually to founding Persephone Microbiome. The VC-funded startup seeks to use gut bacteria to increase the success of cancer therapies. Persephone is also launching a probiotic for infants. Fascinating chat with a brilliant and articulate scientific founder. Highlights: ·       Sal Daher Introduces Stephanie Culler, Ph.D. Co-Founder of Persephone Microbiome ·       Persephone’s Business Model Is to Partner with Big Pharma to Develop Products Based on Its Platform ·       A Probiotic for Babies and Infants Is Coming in Early 2024 ·       Results from the Largest Study in the US of Infant Gut Microbiome Were Unsettling ·       Causes of Insufficiencies in the Gut Biome of Babies ·       “Upwards of 80% of cells of our immune system is in our gut.” ·       “...if you have a good microbiome, you're much more likely to respond to treatment.” ·       “We are wet lab and