Liberadio(!) With Mary Mancini & Freddie O'connell

Liberadio(!) Podcast April 19, 2010 A Conversation with Justin Bieber, Part 2



In the second hour we tell you all the fun facts that weren't reported about self-described "Tea Partiers," and we speak to Ian Millhiser, Policy Analyst for Center for American Progress about the upcoming Supreme Court nomination - what it means to a court primarily made up of conservatives "nuts" and what the confirmation process will look like. Then, it's once again time for Karl Frisch and the Media Matters for America Smackdown - this week Karl takes Maureen Dowd and the Sunday morning talk shows to the mat - and a quick but important word about a bill that would outlaw some forms of birth control in Tennessee (which has passed in both the House and Senate and is on its way to the Governor to be signed). [23.4MB]