Dentist Brain Candy

S2EP23: TRIPLE WIN Tip #7—A Virtual Coach for Your Surgical Patients



When patients follow instructions in the days after dental surgery, they have fewer complications. And that’s a win for your practice and the patient. But how do you make sure surgical patients know how to take care of their teeth post-op? On this episode of Dentist Brian Candy, I explain why I provide all my surgical patients with a virtual coach and walk you through the series of automated emails they receive post-op. I discuss how my post-op infection rate and incidence of dry sockets decreased dramatically when I started using a virtual coach. Listen in to understand why it’s not necessary to see routine extraction cases for a post-op follow-up and learn how a virtual coach can create efficiencies for you, your staff and surgical patients! Key Takeaways   Why I recommend providing surgical patients with a virtual coach What’s included in the series of automated emails surgical patients receive post-op The average infection rate after the extraction of wisdom teeth How my post-op infection rate after the e