Australian True Crime

Coroner Leveaaque Peterson on giving a voice for the dead



We've spoken a great deal on this show over the years about the work of our state coroners, and today we finally got to meet one. Leveaaque Peterson was appointed a coroner by the Victorian state government in February 2020, and throughout her career in the legal system has chosen to take on some big and uncomfortable challenges. We'll find out why she finds that kind of law interesting, and also, what being a coroner actually entails. CREDITS:Host: Meshel Laurie. You can find her on Instagram Co-Host: Emily Webb. You can find her on Instagram here and listen to her podcast Killer Content here. Guests:  Coroner Leveaaque PetersonProducer/Editor: Matthew TankardExecutive Producer: Jacqueline TonksRecorded at a Hub Australia Media Studio. Find the workspace that's right for you at you have been affected by anything discussed in this episode you can contact: Lifeline on 13 11 14 13 YARN on 13 92 76 (24/7 crisis support phone line for Aboriginal and To